Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Kings of the Road Loss

We missed the game, of course, but Intern Bob Dylan reports –

“Were no Kings on the court tonight. Just two losing teams smacking each other in the head until one got too dizzy to stand. Gerald Green wore a golden bib from his pie eating contest and showed he ain’t learned a thing about baking bread. Of course this team already has its share of bakers and candlestick makers. Minor men like Gomes and West, who know the recipe but can’t be counted on to feed a hungry crowd in a professional cafeteria. We got plenty of them. What we need now are angry jackals and lottery sharks - beasts with nerves of steel, low body fat and a consistent outside jumper.”

And in a hastily assembled follow up cable he tells us:

“It’s no secret that the winds of sin blow from the West and that the city of trees has brought out the worst in the franchise before (scroll down). But tonight at least Corrine Grousbeck kept her pack of sad Cinderellas and Hatchet MILF’s away from the players locker room, allowing them to change out of their failure soaked gameworns and into their travel pants in peace. I don’t know whether the Maloof brothers were pestered in the owners box for shoulder autographs and complementary snack foods, but only a fool would think millionaires wives get rich from buying their own Carl’s Jr. burgers.”

Indeed. Thanks Bob!

Also, the Associated Press reports - “Actor Donnie Wahlberg watched from a front-row seat near Boston's bench his annual Sacramento pilgrimage to see his beloved Celtics. Rondo nearly landed in his lap in the fourth quarter while diving to save a ball.”

Sounds like Mark sent big brother Donnie on a snipe hunt while he preps for his impending Oscar win, but it’s good to see “Super” fan making the trip up north to support the ever more pointless cause. Huzzuh for Team Wahlberg. Go Departed! Go Saw 7! Go home!

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